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In Spring 2021, IM Properties submitted two separate planning applications to Birmingham City Council to start the delivery of Development Zone 1A (DZ1A). Both of these applications were approved by Birmingham City Council in September last year.

One of these was a Section 73 application to make minor modifications to the original (2019) hybrid planning permission, which included improvements to landscaping around the edge of DZ1A; increasing the overall maximum floorspace limit to allow for the provision of mezzanines in Unit B; and a slight increase in height parameters on DZ1A to accommodate stair towers.

The Section 73 application was supported by various documents that assessed the effects of the changes and identify whether additional mitigation is needed. These documents build on information and assessments that form part of the existing planning permission. They include: a Planning Statement; Supplementary Environmental Statement; Landscape and Green Infrastructure Strategy Addendum; Transport Assessment Addendum; and various plans and images.

Full details about this application can be found on the Council’s website here.

The other was a Reserved Matters application for Unit B, which will be the main building within DZ1A, located on the right hand side as you enter the site from the new access road on the A38. We have been working with a prospective occupier to deliver a high-quality logistics facility that meets its specific requirements. The purpose of this application was to agree the detailed layout and design of the Unit B scheme, including access points, parking plans, landscaping and drainage. Further details of this application can be found on the Council’s website here.

In February this year, a separate Reserved Matters application was submitted for Unit A. Unit A will sit at the gateway into the site from the A38, also within DZ1A alongside Unit B, and be able to accommodate a range of employment uses, including manufacturing and logistics. Although there is no currently confirmed occupier for this unit, IMP has submitted the application to showcase the opportunity and set the standard for high-quality industrial space across the site.

This application has been validated and registered by Birmingham City Council, with determination due by 31 May 2022. Further details of this application can be found on the Council’s website here.

Both Unit A and Unit B will be located within DZ1A, which already has planning permission for large manufacturing and logistics buildings. The purpose of the Reserved Matters planning applications is to agree the detailed layout and design of the buildings, including access points, parking plans, landscaping and drainage.