a great place
Design and place
The quality of the environment at Peddimore will be one of its defining features. The development is being set within a strong landscape and green infrastructure framework, contributing to an engaging and welcoming place to work, and supporting the wellbeing of employees and visitors alike.
Buildings at Peddimore will be designed to very high architectural and sustainability standards. The layout and location of each building will be carefully selected so that their appearance and scale integrate with their surroundings and their visual impact is minimised.
Buildings will be designed and positioned where possible to screen service yards from public view, with additional careful planting reducing their visibility further. Appropriate and well-designed roof forms will be used to help reduce the impact of buildings on the landscape.
We are also keen to develop an arts and cultural strategy in association with key stakeholders and the local community, which will help to create a unique identity for Peddimore. A range of options are being considered, including art installations displayed around the site or integrated within the development itself.